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14 september 2020. En halvdag med empatisk verksamhetsutveckling ledd av relationscoacherna Scott Catamas och Trish Wright från Love Coach Academy i San Francisco. Scott lärde oss unika sätt att förstå oss själva och andra så att vi kan bli ännu bättre på att förstå de företagare och entreprenörer vi vill hjälpa. Vi avslutade halvdagen med att ta fram förslag på konkreta lösningar som vi kan ta med oss för att förbättra vår egen verksamhet eller tillsammans med andra.

Se Trish & Scotts presentation här >>>

Scott Catamas

Scott was first introduced to Compassionate Communication (aka: Nonviolent Communication or NVC) in 2000. Scott was hired by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of NVC, to direct & produce a series of videos about this dynamic work. Scott was so impressed with the transformational power of these tools that he shifted from his profession (of 25 years) of writing & directing to being a full time Life Coach & Teacher. Since 2007, Scott has facilitated over 1,000 classes, events & workshops AND has personally coached over 2,000 individuals, couples, families and small businesses throughout the U.S., Europe & Asia. Scott always adapts his events to the specific needs and interests of those in attendance. In November of 2011, Scott experienced a big life change when his Beloved wife died of a massive brain tumor. Scott has dedicated the rest of his life to supporting people to enjoy life and love to the fullest. In 2012 he created The Love Coach Academy which trains other relationship coaches through retreats around the world and online classes. His weekly online shows are watched by tens of thousands.